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  • インターネット(WIFI  無料)
    free internet (wifi)


  • 電子レンジ・冷蔵庫・湯沸かしポット
    microwave, refrigerator, boiling pot

  • 食器類(お皿・グラスなど)
    Cutlery (Dishes, Tumblers etc)

  • ドリンクサービス
    Complementary drinks (coffee, tea, juice and water)


  • 執務用デスク
    Working desks


  • 簡易キッチン
    mini kitchen

  • ダイニングテーブル
    Dining table

  • ​リビングルーム(ソファー・TV)
    Living rooms (couch, TV)

  • フルサイズの高級ユニットバス
    Full sized bath tub.

  • タオル・歯ブラシ・ドライヤーなど
    Complementary amenities (tooth brush, towels etc.)

Dining in the room? Help yourself!





It is very shame that we can not serve dinner to our guest, however, we are very much welcome that guests bring your favorites food to guest room.  In Japan, there are variety of choices of foods that you can take out.  Try out shopping at the nearest station or shopping center. You should be able to find variety of food range from Japanese, Chinese, Italian as you wish.

If you need assistance, please feel free to contact us.

Also, there is increasing number of "cosy" restaurants and bars near by. You can search by google or Tabelog (popular free gourmet guide service).  Take some walk and enjoy night life.

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